Dear Mockup Builder users! We hope that you are enjoying the summer. During last month we have done a few more improvements in our application.
First of all we have redesigned the Dashboard. Take a look at the picture bellow. Now work with the project properties is more comfortable. All they are available in one click from dashboard.
If you want to add reviewers or editors to the project, rename it, share or archive, do FTP backup etc., all these functions are now accessible from your dashboard. Some of these properties are available only for pricing plan accounts, but they are visible for anyone. So if you need to use some of these options just click on the “Properties” button in the line of the appropriate project. In the next step you will come to the board where on the four tabs all described possibilities are accessible.
New element “SiteMap” was recently added to the available ones under application. You can see it shape on the picture bellow. If you need to use it in your project you can find it on the tab “Text”.
A few more improvements. Now dashboard and editor in the application are accessible by direct links. To come straightly to your dashboard use:, and to go to the editor: . From now you could remove yourself from the project to which you were added. Also, we have changed the mechanism in which UI elements were grouped. In the application Undo Manager was improved.
Also, we have done more than dozen other improvements that attached css, load speed, resizing controllers, color changer box and others. Hope these things will make your using of Mockup Builder more comfortable than ever before.
Do you know how we could make Mockup Builder better for you? Feel free to mail us directly by mail or you can leave your ideas about improvements in the comments.
Want to understand how improvements are feeling like? Start working on your wireframes right now!